How to Overcome Doubt

and Live Boldly in Your Faith

The Secret to Eternal Assurance: A Deep Dive into I John

1 John, 1:7, 1 John 5:1, 2 Corinthians 5:15, Philippians 4:13

· Devotional Discoveries
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How to Overcome Doubt

and Live Boldly in Your Faith

Have you ever found yourself in a moment where you doubted your faith, like standing on the edge of a cliff, unsure of the next step? You're not alone. Spiritual confidence can waver, can't it? But it's kind of important to at least recognize that this is a shared experience among many believers.

In this post, we'll chat about how to build and maintain confidence in your faith, drawing insights from the book of I John and other biblical sources. Whether you're a seasoned church leader, a parent guiding your children, or simply someone seeking deeper spiritual understanding, we all get to that point sometimes. But have confidence! Why? Because ...

Confidence is for YOU.


The Need for Spiritual Confidence

Picture this. You have been asked to share your testimony. The proverbial mic is handed to you, and you're about to share. Suddenly, a wave of doubt crashes over you. "Am I actually confident in my faith?" you wonder. This moment of vulnerability is something we've all faced in one way or another. It's a natural part of the spiritual journey—a moment that calls for deep, unwavering confidence in Christ. Let's explore how common this experience is and how it provides a foundation for growth.

An Inkling of Doubt

Take Sarah, a devoted church member who always seemed confident in her faith. Yet, when asked to lead a Bible study group, she hesitated. Her mind was filled with questions. Was she knowledgeable enough? Could she answer tough questions about faith? What if somebody asks a question she doesn't actually know the answer to? Sarah's simple doubt elucidates a key point in our walk here—it illustrates that confidence in Christ isn't about having all the answers; it's about trusting Him to guide us through uncertainty.

The Role of Doubt in Spiritual Growth

Doubt is not the enemy of faith but a catalyst for deeper understanding really.

When we question, we seek answers; in pursuing them, we grow.

Through these moments of doubt, we often find our faith strengthened and our relationship with Christ deepened. Remember, even the apostles had their moments of doubt. Peter, for example, doubted when he walked on water toward Jesus. But in that moment of doubt, he experienced Jesus's saving power firsthand.

The Comfort of Community

In times of doubt, your church community plays a crucial role. Really! Sharing our uncertainties with fellow believers can provide major comfort and insight. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and that others have walked similar paths. This communal support reflects the body of Christ working together to build each other up in faith.

Confidence in I John

The Book of I John is what I like to call a 'treasure trove' of insights on spiritual confidence. Written to reassure believers of their eternal life in Christ, it offers practical wisdom on living confidently in faith. Let's unpack some key passages and their relevance to our spiritual journeys.

The Assurance of Eternal Life

1 John 5:13 states, "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life." I love this verse! It powerfully reminds us that our confidence is rooted in the certainty of our salvation. It's not about our feelings or circumstances, no! It is about the unchanging truth of God's promise.

Living in the Light

Walking in the light is a recurring theme in I John. In 1 John 1:7, we read, "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." (I can't even type that without humming this song.) Living in the light means living transparently before God and others ('cuz that's what light does, right?), fostering genuine relationships, and allowing God's truth to guide our actions. This transparency builds confidence as we align our lives more closely with God's will.

Overcoming the World

I John 5:4 encourages us: "For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith." This assurance of victory over worldly challenges reinforces our spiritual confidence! It reminds us that our faith in Christ empowers us to overcome any obstacle.

Any. Obstacle!

Why We Need to Be Confident in Christ

Confidence in Christ is not just lovely; it's essential for a thriving spiritual life. Here's why.

Spiritual Growth and Maturity

Confidence in Christ leads to spiritual growth and maturity. When we trust in His guidance, we are more likely to step out in faith, take on new challenges, and grow in understanding His word. This growth is continuous, and confidence in Christ is the foundation.

Witnessing to Others

Our confidence in Christ impacts our ability to witness to others. We can share the gospel with boldness and authenticity when we are assured of our faith. People are drawn to genuine confidence, and our testimony becomes more powerful when backed by unwavering faith.

Overcoming Life's Challenges

As C.S. Lewis once said, "Faith is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods." This really underscores the importance of steadfast belief, even when our circumstances or emotions fluctuate.

Life is really full of challenges—personal, professional, and spiritual. Confidence in Christ equips us to face these challenges head-on, knowing we are not alone. It provides the strength to persevere and the assurance that God is with us every step of the way.

But hey. If you are struggling with insecurity or living beneath your God-given potential, this video might help you build godly confidence and advance in your divinely ordained purpose. It helped me!

How to Encourage Others' Confidence in Jesus

Confidence in Christ is essential for spiritual growth, effective witnessing, and overcoming life's challenges. By leading by example, providing scriptural encouragement, and creating supportive environments, we can help others build and maintain their confidence in Jesus. Billy Graham eloquently captured this notion: "Christ not only died for all: He died for each." This simple, scripture-inspired (2 Corinthians 5:15) powerful reminder of Christ's personal sacrifice bolsters our assurance and deepens our spiritual resolve.

Encouraging others to be confident in their faith is vital to our spiritual walk. Here are some practical ways to do this.

Lead by Example

Leading by example is one of the most effective ways to encourage others. When others see our confidence in Christ, they are inspired to seek the same assurance. Share your faith openly, live out your beliefs, and demonstrate trust in God through your actions.

Provide Scriptural Encouragement

Use scripture to bolster others' confidence. Verses like Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," are potent reminders of God's promises. Encourage those around you to meditate on scriptures like these and apply them to their lives.

Create a Supportive Environment

A supportive church or community group environment can significantly enhance spiritual confidence. Encourage open discussions, provide resources for spiritual growth, and offer prayer support. A strong community will uplift and empower its members.

There are some great resources if you are struggling with how to offer compassion to others struggling with insecurity, and how to stand in our own confidence. I personally love Amanda Pittman's take on it in the Viral Jesus podcast. Give it a listen sometime!

So ...

Reflecting on the opening example of proverbial mic being handed to you, I hope it has (or will continuously become) clearer that moments of doubt are growth opportunities. Spiritual confidence is not about having all the answers but trusting Christ's unwavering promises. The book of I John offers profound insights into building this confidence, reminding us of the assurance of eternal life, the importance of living in the light, and our victory in Christ.

Confidence in Christ is essential for spiritual growth, effective witnessing, and overcoming life's challenges. By leading by example, providing scriptural encouragement, and creating supportive environments, we can help others build and maintain their confidence in Jesus.

In this faith journey, remember that doubt is not the end but a stepping stone to deeper trust in Christ. Let's encourage one another, grow together, and live confidently in the assurance of our salvation.